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Ilsa Rivelle



Ilsa is the sole owner of the Rivelle Manor. A young widow who lives a single life. Ilsa’s household is targeted by a pair of home invaders, Sully & Lou. A central theme of the film, voyeurism comes into play here. Ilsa is subjected to the voyeuristic “gaze” as the two robbers would spy from a distance. Counting down the time in which she leaves her house. They pick up on a recurring pattern when it comes to Ilsa’s outings. Every Saturday, Ilsa would dress up in a fancy white outfit and head out at 11:50 PM. For the robbers, the story ends there. But for Ilsa, this weekly outing is her reliving a past memory with her previous lover. She takes a drive down to the coast, buys a specific brand of wine from a local wine store and reminisces the memory of being proposed to marry her husband at that very spot. She then heads back home past midnight. Ilsa’s character carries a great sense of sorrow and melancholy with her. Unaware of what is awaiting her at the climax of this story.


Jessica Harb 

Jessica Harb

Jessica Harb graduated from Randolph College for the Performing Arts in 2013. Since then she’s performed in countless plays and musicals across the GTA. Some favourite credits include: Audrey in Little Shops Horrors, Columbia in Rocky Horror and Sally in A Christmas Carol: A Radio Play (all Lower Ossington Theatre). Most recently, she was in Wanda at the 2022 Toronto Fringe Festival.


In her spare time, you can find her writing songs for her ukulele, trying to learn the guitar, and hanging out with her cat, Ken. Jessica is thrilled to be a part of this project! She was born to play a “Hitchcock blonde", and she cannot wait to share this work with the rest of the team behind Midnight Boulevard.

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